Two people are fighting with swords. The first person is brown, has black hair, wears all black clothes, and has a black eye behind him, and the second person has white color, black hair, and silver clothes. In a village.

Create an anime-style image showcasing a riveting duel between two sword fighters in a quaint village setting. The first fighter is a person of Hispanic descent with black hair, decked out in all-black clothing, and has an ominous black eye visual motif behind them. The second fighter is a Caucasian individual with black hair, garbed in striking silver clothes. All around them, the village stands silent and tense as the combatants lock swords, set amidst the Manga art style.

Create an anime-style image showcasing a riveting duel between two sword fighters in a quaint village setting. The first fighter is a person of Hispanic descent with black hair, decked out in all-black clothing, and has an ominous black eye visual motif behind them. The second fighter is a Caucasian individual with black hair, garbed in striking silver clothes. All around them, the village stands silent and tense as the combatants lock swords, set amidst the Manga art style.

Two people are fighting with swords. The first person is brown, has black hair, wears all black clothes, and has a black eye behind him, and the second person has white color, black hair, and silver clothes. In a village.

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